Diabetes Update for Registered Nurses Open Workshops
An informative and interactive way to stay up to date, and increase skills and confidence, in caring for people (adults) living with diabetes. Run by an experienced Diabetes Practitioner/Educator (who also works within the NHS), this workshop has been developed with nurses working in the care sector in mind as well as for community nurses and practice nurses.
Where and when?
We offer workshops in Suffolk and Norfolk as detailed below.
If these locations are not suitable please get in touch as we are happy
to explore alternatives which are suitable for those wanting to attend.
Essex and Cambridgeshire - we are in the process of sourcing venues and plan to arrange open workshops during 2020. Please do get in touch if you would like to be notified when open workshops are scheduled or would like to suggest or offer a suitable venue.
West Suffolk venue:
Christ Church
Moreton Hall
Lawson Place
Bury St Edmunds
IP32 7EW
Click here for map
Free parking available next to the church
Delegates are provided with an all day parking pass on arrival at the workshop
Dates and timings
Dates for 2020 will be scheduled shortly,
please get in touch if you would like to register your interest
East Suffolk venue:
Avocet Court Care Home
Monmouth Close
Click here for map
Dates and timings
13 March 2020 (10am start - 4pm) - cancelled due to COVID-19 outbreak
Waveney venue:
Great Yarmouth and Waveney CCG
Beccles House
1 Common Lane North
NR34 9BN
Click here for map
Parking is available at The Quay which is 5 minutes walk away (please see the map), which from 1 March 2020 will be charging: first 2 hours free then 70p per hour or £3.50 all day. Delegates are asked not to use the staff car park at Beccles House as parking is limited on site. There is also pay and display parking in the town centre, which is 10 minutes walk away.
Dates and timings
Dates for 2020 will be scheduled shortly,
please get in touch if you would like to register your interest
Norfolk venues:
Dates and timings
Dates for 2020 will be scheduled shortly,
please get in touch if you would like to register your interest
The cost is £70 per person (includes delegate pack, attendance certificate, evaluation report and complimentary tea, coffee & biscuits - but please bring
a packed lunch).
Organisations are offered one free place for every 10 places booked (this applies to bookings made on the same or different dates).
How many delegates are there per workshop?
We keep numbers to a maximum of 12 delegates per workshop to facilitate interaction and group discussion.
How can I book myself or my staff onto a workshop?
To book a workshop or for further information, please contact us
DUET diabetes Ltd - a sponsor of the Suffolk Care Awards 2016-2018