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Expansion of the 'Hands on Feet' Training Portfolio

Snaps taken whilst filming foot examinat
Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) Ass

This year we have particularly focussed our attention on feet with a view to finding ways to help make a difference for people living with diabetes in maintaining or improving their footcare...we want people with diabetes to look after their feet and avoid medical (and in particular surgical) intervention.

That is why since August we have been running workshops for 'beauty and wellness therapists' - to help them understand the diabetic foot: when to treat and when to leave alone, what advice to give their clients etc. Our experience of working with this profession is one of positivity and desire to understand more in order to help their clients. Therapists, for example pedicurists and reflexologists, can be a very helpful extra pair of eyes, ears and hands for their clients who live with diabetes. We feel that they can be part of the solution to help reduce the 169 diabetes related amputations that take place in England each week!

In October, our 'Hands on Feet' portfolio further expanded to offer 'Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) Assessment' training and is relevant for any healthcare professional who may be required to assess the vascular status of an individual.  The workshop also covers Toe Pressures; how to assess and interpret the results.  This training is already proving to be a popular topic.

Our  ‘Diabetic Foot Screening’ half day workshop is one of our most popular workshops. Having developed and run it for 3 years, in response to it’s success we have now created a two day 'Diabetic Foot Screening - train the trainer' course available from 2021.

A new and exciting 'off the shelf' training package, which has the option of your organisation making use of pre-developed training materials through a licensing agreement, once 'lead trainers' have attended our 2 day course.  Particularly useful for organisations looking to roll out diabetic foot screening training to a wider audience or for those wanting to re-fresh their diabetic foot screening training programme in their locality.

Working together with people in care, health, beauty and wellness roles we hope to empower and enable them to make a positive difference. We are passionate about what we do - our ultimate aim being to improve the quality of life for people living with diabetes, regardless of their age or circumstances.

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