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DUET diabetes educator leading a diabete

Our workshops are delivered by experienced healthcare professionals 

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Diabetes Workshops

Face to face - we can provide a single workshop or work with you to deliver a wider diabetes training programme across your organisation.
Please Contact us if you are ready to discuss
 'in house' sessions.  
We also run 'open workshops' - more details below.

Virtual live webinar sessions - virtual open workshops have been suspended.  For virtual 'in house' training, exclusively for your organisation, please call us on 01799 584178.

Looking for our 'Hands on Feet' Training Portfolio? Click on the logo below...

DUET diabetes helps social care and health providers to upskill and increase the confidence of their staff when looking after adults with diabetes.  Our ultimate aim is to make a positive difference to people living with diabetes and their quality of life, regardless of their age or circumstances.  We achieve this through a range of small interactive workshops led by experienced healthcare professionals; thus empowering nurses, carers and allied health profession (AHP) support workers by equipping them with relevant and up to date knowledge.  In July 2020 we expanded our service to work with the beauty and wellness sector to help people who provide foot related treatments to understand the 'diabetic foot' more fully, including when and when not to treat.  See the 'hands on feet' portfolio below for more information.

To give you an idea of what we provide, below is a list of workshops with a brief summary of the content of each.  Our training is underpinned by UK guidelines/frameworks including the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the National Advisory Panel on Care Home Diabetes found within 'A Strategic Document of Diabetes Care for Care Homes' (launched in May 2022).

We endeavour to ensure that the content of the training an
d education supports all learners' needs and learning styles; whether those attending are from social care settings, the NHS or private allied healthcare providers.  Our interactive and practical workshops further enhance the learning required for the Skills for Care 'Care Certificate' as well as revalidation for registered nurses. 

Prices for 'in-house' workshops are provided after ascertaining your training needs and desired outcomes and then agreeing on the content of the training required and location (travel and accommodation costs will be included as appropriate).  Our workshops are priced on the basis of up to 12 attendees, unless otherwise stated or agreed.  We provide a delegate pack for each attendee which includes a copy of the slides and other additional information relevant to the topic(s) covered. Electronic attendance/competency certificates are sent out after the workshop has taken place.

All of the workshops can be run exclusively for you at your (or an agreed) location, and a number of our workshops are also delivered as 'open workshops' (click button below for a summary of currently scheduled open workshops).  We are also happy to discuss open workshops in your area (nationally) if there is a local need to access the educational sessions we offer - do contact us!
Please do get in touch if you would like to be notified when open workshops are scheduled, or would like to suggest o
r offer a suitable venue.

Complimentary refreshments (tea, coffee and biscuits/fruit) are provided at all our face to face workshops.

We offer discounts to providers when we use their training facilities as an open workshop venue
– please talk to us if you would like to know more.

Open workshops

For a summary of all planned face to face open workshops, including locations
and prices

Diabetes Awareness^   
5.5 hours
 f2f and 4 hours virtual

This interactive workshop is relevant for people working within the social care sector, in community health roles and healthcare assistants in GP surgeries^. It is designed to take the learner on a journey; to lay the foundations of diabetes understanding and to build on their knowledge to provide the skills and confidence to support adults living with diabetes.

The workshop will highlight the implications of diabetes for the older person and touch on frailty; as well as diabetes for people with learning disabilities (with additional resources signposted).


It can be delivered exclusively for your organisation or you can book individual places at one of the open workshops.

 The session covers:

  • What diabetes is and the different types of diabetes

  • The signs and symptoms of diabetes

  • Monitoring – what checks are done to ensure that diabetes is well controlled

  • The long term effects (complications) of diabetes

  • How diabetes is treated (a brief overview - more detail is provided during the 'Enhanced Diabetes Awareness' session, see below for details)

  • Signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia (hypo) and how to manage a hypo

  • High blood glucose - a brief overview, including causes

  • Sick day care - a brief summary

  • The role food plays and 'carb consistency'

  • The importance of physical activity

  • Footcare

  • What are 'emergency alerts/urgent referrals'

^For people working in primary care roles (such as healthcare assistants, nurse assistants, clinical pharmacists), this workshop can be adapted to include an additional focus on the 'eight key care processes' and 'the importance of holistic diabetes care' (including topics such as preconceptual care).  This has been particularly useful for healthcare professionals undertaking diabetes reviews in primary care.  We work with individual Integrated Care Boards to tailor this session for their locality, which can include an overview  of the services available to their patients. This option elongates the workshop to a full day. 


In house: contact us 

Open workshops: visit the open workshops page for more information (the next scheduled date is 12 November 2024 in Dereham, Norfolk).

BGM & Glucometer Training   
 2.5 hours f2f or 1 hour 30 mins virtual

This 'blood glucose monitoring and glucometer training' workshop is relevant for people working for social care providers or in healthcare roles. The session is useful for anyone currently undertaking capillary blood glucose testing who is seeking a refresher to ensure best practice is being followed. It is also designed to support those new to blood glucose monitoring and can be delivered as a stand-alone workshop or can be tagged onto the end of ‘Diabetes Awareness’. Learners will have practical, hands on time with the devices at face to face workshops*.

It covers:

  • What a glucometer is and what it measures

  • When blood glucose monitoring (BGM) is necessary

  • How to maintain a glucometer and the test strips used

  • How to do a capillary blood glucose test

  • What to do if the blood glucose level is outside the documented range

  • How to respond to different issues/events

*'Classroom based competency certificates' are issued to attendees who demonstrate core skills and capability at our face to face workshops.  Workplace competency is then the responsibility of individual employers.

NB: DUET diabetes does not recommend any particular brand of glucometer. Each commissioning organisation is responsible for ensuring that the glucometers they use meet current ISO standards and are regularly checked for accuracy. 



In house: contact us 

Open workshops: visit the open workshops page for more information (the next scheduled date is 12 November 2024 in Dereham, Norfolk.

Diabetes Awareness Nurse Extension   |   Full day

This interactive workshop for nurses (particularly those working for care providers) is designed to build on the learner's understanding of diabetes; to give a greater understanding of diabetes; it’s aetiology, diagnosis, acute and long term health problems and management.  The increased knowledge acquired will enable the practitioner to provide person-centred, safe and appropriate advice and care to people living with diabetes in line with current national guidelines.

It can be delivered exclusively for your organisation or you can book individual places at one of the open workshops (as and when they are scheduled). 

The session enables learners to:​

  • Understand the causes and diagnosis of diabetes (type 1 and type 2)

  • Obtain a greater understanding of the older person living with diabetes

  • Be aware of the spectrum of treatment options available (including ‘lifestyle’)

  • Identify oral and injectable therapies – including when they should be given in relation to meals and common side effects*

  • Understand the importance of checking injection sites and identifying areas of lipohypertrophy (lipos)

  • Explain how to prevent lipos from occuring

  • Be aware of the legal requirements and best practice regarding the administration of insulin and the use/disposal of 'sharps'

  • Understand what are considered ‘Safe and unsafe’ blood glucose levels for older people

  • Explain the importance of identifying Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA); know when ketone testing is appropriate and intervention required

  • Demonstrate an awareness of Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic State (HHS)

  • Gain a brief overview of the management of the person with diabetes during inter-current illness

  • Understand how to care for someone with diabetes at the end of their life

  • *hands on time with a range of injectable devices will be included


In house: contact us 

Insulin Awareness   |   2.5 hours

This interactive workshop is relevant for professionals working for social care or healthcare providers supporting and caring for adults living with diabetes who are treated with insulin.  It is designed to be tagged on to the ‘Diabetes Awareness’ workshop but can be provided as a stand-alone module for teams who have attended a ‘Diabetes Awareness’ workshop within the previous year. It covers:

  • What insulin is and the role it plays in the body

  • Why do people with diabetes need insulin?

  • The different types of insulin 

  • The administration of insulin

  • Storage of insulin

  • Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013

  • Identifying and preventing areas of lipohypertrophy

  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic State (HHS)

Contact us to book this workshop as a face to face session

This workshop can be expanded to include an 'Injection Technique' session for non-registered practitioners.  This provides theoretical training and a practical insulin device workshop where attendees have 'hands on devices' time; prior to 'on the job' supervision and competency assessments in their workplace by a delegating clinician (i.e. community nurse).  Attendees will be required to provide evidence of 'blood glucose monitoring & glucometer training'.

Contact us to discuss this further

NB: DUET diabetes does not recommend any particular brand of insulin or needle, nor provides individual competency assessments.


In house: contact us 

Open workshops: funded sessions available for Suffolk care providers May-October 2024 - find out more

'Hands on feet' portfolio  

Our 'hands on feet' diabetes training portfolio has expanded - to find out more about the workshops and online modules we currently offer please click the 'hands on feet' logo below:

  • Diabetic Foot Screening

  • Diabetic Foot Awareness for Beauty and Wellness Therapists

  • Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) Assessment


Diabetes: Eating for Health
3.5 hours f2f and 3 hours virtual

For people working in health and social care roles as well as for family/unpaid carers. 


Based around the Eatwell guide and including practical examples and tips, this workshop is useful for anyone caring for someone with diabetes or helping them manage their diabetes; such as carers, healthcare assistants and practice nurses.  Chefs/cooks and kitchen staff working for care providers have also found the session particularly useful - giving them a better insight to diabetes, thus enabling them to plan and prepare appropriate menus

This workshop is designed to build on the learner’s knowledge and understanding of how food affects diabetes control. It further expands upon the information shared within our 'diabetes awareness' workshop regarding dietary management of diabetes.

We can run this workshop exclusively for your organisation or alternatively you can book individual places at one of the open workshops. 

 It covers:

  • What diabetes is and how it develops - a brief overview

  • What is a normal blood glucose range

  • Which foods affect blood glucose levels

  • What (food) aggravates insulin resistance

  • What is meant by 'carb consistency’

  • Glycaemic index (GI) and Glycaemic Load (GL)

  • What is meant by 'energy balance'

  • What are 'good’ fats and ‘bad’ fats?

  • Which type of foods contain the most calories

  • Which type of foods contain the most nutrients

  • The 'Eatwell Guide' / healthy eating plate



In house: contact us 

Open workshops: visit the open workshops page for more information (more sessions being planned for Norfolk in 2024).

Bespoke Education and Training

If you cannot find a workshop to that meets your requirements, please do contact us. One of the team can then understand and discuss your training needs so that we can work with you to provide tailor made content and sessions that fulfil your team's (and residents'/service users'/patients') requirements.

For example, we have worked closely with Hallmark Care Homes to provide a comprehensive diabetes training programme.  More recently we have been commissioned by two Integrated Care Boards to deliver training for healthcare professionals working in primary care; working collaboratively to include pathways and services specific to their localities.


Contact us to discuss 

*Cost: all prices stated will be subject to VAT.  For face to face in house workshops, prices quoted exclude the educator's travel/accommodation - depending on the location of the workshop this may be an additional cost which will be discussed and agreed prior to issuing an invoice

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